PPG Meetings

Currently the PPG usually meets on the last Tuesday morning of every month.

We recognise that meeting on Tuesday mornings does not allow some to attend. Therefore, with the practice, the PPG is considering the possibility of bringing forward a “virtual group” to act as a sounding board and to allow a wider range of participation so that the group is better able to represent the the views of the practice users. Also the virtual group would be able to take part in patient surveys and activities to help the PPG and practice better understand the issues faced.

Date of MeetingAgenda or Notes of Meeting (where available)
23 January 2024Insert link to notes (PDF’d) of meeting
27 February 2024Insert link to notes (PDF’d) of meeting
26 March 2024Insert link to notes (PDF’d) of meeting
30 April 2024Insert link to notes (PDF’d) of meeting
28 May 2024Insert link to notes (PDF’d) of meeting
25 June 2024
30 July 2024
Future Dates to be agreed