Patient Participation Group

What is the Merepark Medical Centre Patient Participation Group?

The PPG brings together patients, GPs and staff from Merepark Medical Centre (MMC). We meet regularly to discuss issues relating to our surgery and the services provided to patients.

Patient Participation is:Patient Participation is not:
Patients working with the practice to improve servicesA forum for individuals’ complaints – though where themes are identified these may be discussed to identify areas for improvement
Based on respectful co-operation and listening to each otherA doctors fan club
Geared to our practiceTime consuming for practice or PPG members

PPGs are good for patients because:

  • They encourage patients to be more responsible for their own health
  • Patients know more about their GP practice and its staff
  • Patients can have a say on any plans to change their family doctor services
  • Communication between patients and practice staff improves
  • Patients have a chance to make suggestions and ask questions

PPGs are good for practice staff because:

  • GPs and staff can work with patients to plan services which best meet the needs of the people who use those services
  • They can provide help and advice for patients on non-medical or social care issues.
  • Patients can help the practice to meet its targets and objectives
  • GPs and staff have an opportunity to share their ideas with patients.
  • They get closer to their community.

“Patient participation can benefit both patients and practices.

“Having a PPG creates a connection between the practice and its patients; allowing open, constructive discussion and analysis of service provision, and offering an alternative perspective on many of the topics relevant to general practice.”

Merepark Medical Centre PPG Mission Statement (April 2024)

Empowering patients, enhancing care. Together, shaping a healthier community.”

The Merepark Medical Centre Patient Participation Group will:

  • Foster a collaborative partnership between patients and healthcare providers – this will enhance the quality of care and services provided;
  • Encourage open communication, active engagement and mutual respect – this will enable us to represent the diverse needs and experiences of our community;
  • Share insights and advocate a patient centred culture and approach to facilitate two-way communication and constructive feedback – this will enable us to contribute to continuous improvements in clinical practice and delivery;
  • Endeavour to promote a culture of empowerment, transparency and excellence in health care   – this will enable us to work with the practice towards the shared goal of improving practice efficiency, health outcomes and patient satisfaction for all.